Polls can be used to gather learner opinions, surface common misconceptions, and challenge learners to identify the best answer to a question.
Similar to random table arrangements, instructors can split learners into table groups based on similar or dissimilar poll responses. This is applicable only to single-answer polls.
When to use:
- If most learners answer the same question correctly, it may not be worth the class time to discuss the results. If learners are split in their responses, invite them to discuss with other learners to probe for differences and clarify misconceptions. Use this feature to divide the learners into small groups. (You can even re-run the poll after learners discuss their responses with peers.)
- Splitting learners into table groups based on similar poll results can be a good way to help learners get to know each other during icebreakers, share a common interest, prepare group responses to discussion questions, group learners for projects based on topic interest or prepare for debates conducted via a Panel Discussion.
Split learners based on poll results during the poll:
- Run the poll in your shared presentation or PDF.
- Click Start Poll Split.
- Select whether you want to split learners by Diverse or Common responses.
- Use the slider to the maximum number of learners you want at each table. (TAs won’t be moved to a different table.)
- Use the slider to choose the number of learners per table.
- If you want to reserve or set aside certain tables, use the slider to select the tables.
- Click Split.
Learners can be split into groups of 1-10 learners, depending on the number of seats at each table. Click here to learn how to change the number of seats at a table. Click here to learn more about skipping tables during the split-by-poll arrangement.
Note: In situations where learners do not answer the poll question, they are considered as if the poll has an additional answer possibility (i.e., “did not want to answer”), and will be split into table groups based on dissimilar responses.
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