On Engageli, you can send direct messages to individual learners, the instructor or co-instructor, staff (instructors and TAs), tablemates, or the entire class.
1. Click the Chat icon at the bottom of the screen.
2. The Chat will open in the right side panel. You can close and open the chat as needed.
There are channels for:
Room - All participants in the class
Staff - All instructors and TAs in the class
My Table - All participants at your table
Participants - A specific person
4. Enter your message. Click the smiley face to add emojis.
5. You can attach files to messages: documents, spreadsheets, slides, images, videos, text files, and PDFs.
6. Click the send button or the return or enter key on your computer.
Click to learn more about the Chat features.
To search for a message, click the three-dot menu to the right of the destination field.
You can select to search for a message, select messages, or download messages and files.
Hover over the top of a message to see the following options:
- Reaction - Choose from five reactions: thumbs up, thumbs down, question mark, fire, and happy face emojis.
- Reply - Add a reply to that specific message.
- Edit - Edit your own message after it is sent.
- Delete - Delete your message after it is sent.
Instructors and TAs can delete messages sent by learners. Learners can only delete their own messages.
You can send messages to the Room channel anonymously.
1. Select Room in the destination field. You can only send anonymous messages to the Room, not the other chat channels such as Staff, My Table, or individual participants.
2. Toggle to enable anonymous messaging.
3. Enter the message contents. You cannot include uploaded files in anonymous messages.
4. Click Send.
5. Your message will appear as Anonymous in the chat.
Note: Use the toggle to turn off anonymous messaging. Anonymous messages can't be deleted by the user. They can be deleted by the instructor or a TA.
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