Follow the steps below to set up your Google Slides presentation so you can see your presentation notes and still have a view of the Class Gallery and the classroom controls. This guide explains how to set up and share Google Slides effectively in a live class.
- Open your Google Slides presentation.
- Click the down arrow next to Slideshow in the upper right corner.
- Click Presenter View.
- Go back to your Engageli classroom window.
- To share your screen, click the Present button at the bottom of the screen.
Under Classroom activities, click Screen Share.
Select either Browser Tab or Window.
- Select Google Slides presentation slide show. Once highlighted, the Share button will become enabled.
- Click Share.
- Your display will shift to your presentation.
- If sharing a tab, click the View tab: button at the top of the screen or select the tab with the red dot to go back to your Engageli classroom. If sharing a window, go back to the Engageli classroom window.
- You can move your Google Slides Preview screen over the Engageli classroom to present your slides and view any speaker notes and the timer. Only your slides will be visible to the class.
Pro tip! Use the overlay gallery to see a smaller version of the class gallery that you can move around the while so you can still see your learners while screen sharing or giving a presentation.
Related Articles
- How to use the Overlay Gallery
- How to Share Your Screen as an Instructor
- How to Share a Screen with an Individual Table - Browser
Note: Click here to learn more about uploading your PowerPoint presentations to Google Slides.
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