A blurry or fuzzy screen could be caused by one of several different factors, including:
Issues with an internet connection - Using Engageli on a web browser requires a stable internet connection. If your connection is weak, you will probably have issues with screen and video quality.
- Background running apps - If you’re seeing fuzzy, blurry, or low video quality while using Engageli, it could be due to apps and websites in the background using bandwidth and network resources.
How to resolve:
1. Check your internet connection.
Check to make sure you have a strong internet connection and that your connection hasn’t recently dropped. That could cause the screen to look blurry, fuzzy, or completely dark.
Try restarting your router and troubleshooting network connectivity issues that could bottleneck your video transfer.
2. Close other apps and websites
Your network could be bottlenecked because other apps or webpages are running in the background using bandwidth.
3. Try using low bandwidth mode
This setting in the Engageli classroom will save bandwidth if audio, video, or screen shares are cutting out, dropping, or generally low quality.
4. Log out and restart your computer
Note: If your own video looks blurry, but other videos and screen shares look clear, try cleaning your camera lens or check the lighting in the room.
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