Staff-Only Mode allows instructors to set up the classroom before learners join. This guide explains how to enable it and when to use it effectively.
Instructors can select Staff Only Mode in the More Actions (three-dot) menu to temporarily remove learner access to the classroom. Learners will see an overlay stating “Waiting for instructor” and will not have access to the classroom functionality. After ~30 seconds, learners will be removed from the Class Gallery. When Interaction Controls are enabled, the classroom opens in Staff Only Mode.
Live Classroom
To enable:
- Click the More Actions (three-dot) menu in the bottom right corner of the screen.
- Select Staff Only Mode.
- To allow learner access to the classroom, select Allow Learners at the top of the screen or unselect Staff Only Mode in the More Actions menu.
Note: When the Waiting Room is enabled, you will not see the option for Staff only mode.
When to use:
- During a class with K-12 learners, the instructor and other staff (TAs) may need to manage when learners are allowed to enter the room, so that learners do not enter without the supervision of staff. Using this feature allows only instructors and TAs to join the class to prepare and allow learners in when ready for the class session.
- If you are conducting a webinar would like to manage when participants are allowed to enter the room. Using this feature allows only instructors and TAs to join the class to prepare and allow participants in when ready for the webinar or event.
Admin Portal
You can enable a setting in the Admin Portal to start the class in Staff Only Mode.
- Go to the Engageli Admin Portal.
- Click Classes on the left to expand the menu.
- Select your class or use the search field to find your class.
- On the Details screen, click the Live configuration tab.
- Scroll down and check the box for Start class in restricted to staff only mode.
- Click the Save Changes button.
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