When sharing a screen, you can enable annotation for collaboration with peers or feedback from your instructor.
Click the Share Screen icon at the bottom of the screen next to the Raise Hand button.
Select Share screen with class or Share screen with table.
Choose either Tab, Window, or Entire Screen.
- Select the item you want to share so that it's highlighted with a colored border.
- Click Share.
- Wait for your instructor to approve the screen share.
When the screen share preview window turns green, click the blue Annotate screen button.
The Class Share tab at the top of the screen will change to Annotated Screen and a screenshot of the screen share will open with an annotation toolbar on the left side.
By default, only you and the staff can annotate. You can change the settings to allow other participants to annotate the screen share.
Use the annotation tools as needed.
- Click Close to stop annotating.
Pro Tip! To save your annotation, click the download screenshot icon at the bottom of the left-side toolbar.
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