When searching the Help Center, using specific techniques can help you find the information you need more effectively. Double quotes around words or phrases narrow down results to match your exact terms, while the minus sign (-) helps exclude unwanted content. By combining these methods, you can refine your search and locate relevant information more easily.
Search Tips
- Finding Multiple Words: Use double quotes (") around each word to find content with all those words. Example: "mobile" "app" "ios" and "android" finds content with all four words in any order. Make sure to put spaces between the words. Words in single quotes (') are treated as if they had no quotes.
- Finding a Phrase: Use double quotes (") around a phrase to find content with all the words in that phrase in the same order. Example: "Playback room" finds content with the words "Playback" and "room" in that order. Words in single quotes (') are ignored.
- Excluding Words: Use the minus sign (-) before a word to exclude content with that word. Example: reporting bugs -support finds content with "reporting" and "bugs" but leaves out anything with "support." Don’t repeat a word after the minus sign (-); rephrase instead.
- Advanced Search: Combine the tips above for specific results. Example: "reporting bugs" -support finds content with "reporting" and "bugs" but not "support."
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