This article will cover the "LMS Attendance" tab of a classroom. This tab can be accessed via "Admin Portal" > "Classes" > select your class from either the "Active Classes" or "Archived Classes" sections > "LMS Attendance".
The "LMS Attendance" tab enables Instructors and Super Admins to track the submission of learner grades or credits to the LMS. For example, if you'd like to see which students have been given credit for a specific session, this would be the page to visit. With that said, this tab will only appear if the classroom is linked to at least one LMS course.
Before we delve into the specifics of this page, please note that the data presentation will differ based on whether the "Track attendance by Occurrence ID" setting is enabled within the classroom's "Common Configuration" tab. This setting not only changes the visual display of this page, but also how data is tracked. Therefore, this setting should not be changed unless you are confident in what you are doing.
LMS Attendance with "Track attendance by Occurrence ID" Disabled
When the "Track attendance by Occurrence ID" setting is disabled, the "LMS Attendance" tab will display a page containing 2 sub-tabs: "Sessions" and "Gradebook Sync". Below is a reference image, showing the "Sessions" sub-tab in focus:
We'll cover details for both tabs in the proceeding sections.
Sessions Tab
The "Sessions" tab will show all sessions that have taken place for the class, along with some basic details about each one. Clicking any of the rows will take you to the session’s corresponding "Gradebook Sync" details.
Note: The design of this page can be a bit confusing in that the "Gradebook Sync" tab isn’t independent of "Sessions", as being its own tab would lead you to believe. The "Gradebook Sync" is sub-page of a selected session, where you can view certain details about that session.
We'll now cover each column that appears on this tab:
- Start - The scheduled start time of the session.
- End - The scheduled end time of the session.
- Staff - The number of Staff that joined the session, even if for a brief duration.
- Students - The number of Students that joined the session, even if for a brief duration.
- LMS Gradebook Entry - The label we assigned to this session, which is also passed to the LMS gradebook. The default format for this label is "YYYY-MM-DD Attendance" where the date is based off UTC time zone of the session. If this field is empty, it means the grades for this session haven’t been posted to the LMS, yet. Similarly, if you see a value of "No scheduled session", it means we detected a session, but nothing was officially scheduled for it.
Note: Our system will only post grades to the LMS for sessions that have been scheduled via the classroom's "Schedule" tab. - Date created - This refers to the day the data row was created.
Gradebook Sync Tab
When you click a session entry, you will be directed to its "Gradebook Sync" details page. A label will appear at the top of the page to let you know which session you are currently viewing. We have provided an image below, for reference:
We'll now cover each of the fields that appears on this page:
- Sync Scores - Pressing this button will push this session’s scores to the LMS, including any adjustments resulting from changes to the "Configure attendance" pane. Other sessions will remain untouched. If you did make changes to the "Configure attendance" pane, you do not need to hit "Compute Scores" prior to syncing, our system will do this automatically.
- Configure attendance - This pane allows you to simulate how changes to the attendance configuration (e.g. maximum sore, no-show policy, etc) would reflect in student attendance scores. To simulate your changes, simply adjust the various parameters that appear here, then click the "Compute Scores" button and the attendance table at the bottom-half of the page will refresh. This area is only a simulation: none of your changes are saved or applied unless you click "Sync Scores".
- LMS gradebook info - This pane shows a summary of the session’s current attendance configuration. It’s helpful if you need to reference the original values as you simulate different scenarios.
Student Grade Table - This table will show the grades that were sent to the LMS for this session. We'll now cover the details of each column:
- Email - The email address of the student.
- Name - The name of the student.
- External/SIS ID - SIS ID of the student.
- Duration - The amount of time in HH:MM the student was present for the live session or the amount of the recording they watched.
- % Present - The percentage of the live session the student was present or of the recording they watched.
- LMS Score - The score that we will send to the LMS.
- LMS Class - The course label the LMS has assigned to the course.
- Role - The role of the user. This will usually be "student".
LMS Attendance with "Track attendance by Occurrence ID" Enabled
When the "Track attendance by Occurrence ID" setting is enabled, the "LMS Attendance" tab will show a page containing 2 tables: "Course Assignments" at the top and "Assignment Scores" at the bottom. We've provided a reference image below, showing both tables:
We'll go over the details of both tables in the proceeding sections.
Course Assignments
The "Course Assignments" table will display all class sessions that have taken place. We'll cover the details of each of the table's columns below:
- Start - The start of the class session. Similar to how we calculate analytics, if the session was scheduled, this time will reflect the schedule; otherwise, it will be based on when we detect the session as having started.
- End - The end of the class session. Similar to how we calculate analytics, if the session was scheduled, this time will reflect the schedule; otherwise, it will be based on when we detect the session as having ended.
- Label - The LMS-provided description for this line item. This will usually be the label assigned to the specific LTI link users click from the LMS to access this Engageli classroom.
- Schedule - Indicates whether this session was officially scheduled. If there is no checkmark, then this is a session we auto-detected.
Note: Our system will only post grades to the LMS for sessions that have been scheduled via the classroom's "Schedule" tab. - Due date - LMS-provided due date associated with this line item. Once the due date has passed, we’ll stop sending any new attendance and grade data for this line item. If our system has no due date on file for the line item, we won’t post attendance or grade data for it.
- Max score - The LMS-provided maximum number of points users can get for this line item.
- Group - This is a user-defined label used to associate multiple class sessions to the same assignment in the LMS. This is commonly used in courses containing multiple weekly sessions, where the student is given the flexibility of being able to attend any of them to get credit for that week's assignment.
- Requires - LMS-provided list, indicating all the activities the user must satisfy in order to get credit for the line item (e.g. Attendance, Poll, etc.)
Assignment Scores
The "Assignment Scores" table will contain details of a course assignment. That is, when a row from the "Course Assignments" is selected, its corresponding details will populate into the "Assignment Scores" table. We'll cover the details of each of the table's columns below:
- Email - Email address associated with the user.
- Name - Full name associated with the user.
- SIS ID - LMS-provided SIS ID associated with the user.
- Date Submitted - The date and time that we posted the attendance/grade credit to the LMS for the user. We’ll generally post this data within minutes of the learner satisfying the requirements, but can sometimes take up to an hour.
- Attendance Completed - The date and time of when our system detected that the user satisfied their attendance requirements.
- Attendance HH:MM - The amount of time the student attended the session (or watched of a recording), as well as the total duration of that session (or of the recording).
- Polls Completed - The date and time of when our system detected that the user satisfied their poll activity requirement.
- Polls count - The number of polls the student answered for the session.
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