The Recordings section goes over how to edit, upload and adjust recordings for your class.
Accessing Recordings
- Go to the Admin Portal.
- Click Classes on the left to expand the menu.
- Select your class or use the search field to find your class.
- Click Recordings on the left.
How to manually adjust the privacy setting of a recording
To manually adjust the privacy of a recording, click the eye icon on the recording.
- If the eye is open the recording is public.
- If the eye has a strike through, it is private.
How to upload a recording
- On the right side, select the cloud icon that has an arrow pointing up.
- Find the recording in your files.
- Click Open.
- You will see a notification at the bottom of the screen once the video is successfully uploaded.
Once the recording is uploaded, you will be able to access direct links to view the video in an Engageli Playback Room, guest links for the Playback Room, and direct links to the file. You can also upload a video in the Content Manager.
Note: Recommended maximum file size for videos is 500 MB.
How to rename a recording
In the list of recordings, click the name of the recording you want to change. Enter the new name and then click Update.
How to delete a recording
Select the check box to the left of the class recording you want to delete. You can select more than one recording at a time. Click the Delete icon (Trash can) in the upper right corner.
What is the difference between the 'Link to class' and 'Link to file' options on the recordings page?
As an instructor, you can access a recording of your Engageli class in the Playback room or download the file directly. Follow the steps below to access links to your class recordings.
- Link to class copies the link to the playback room for users on the class roster.
- Guest link to class copies the link to the playback room that can be accessed by guests.
- Link to file opens the recording in a new tab, allowing you to watch or download the file in a web player.
How to manage transcripts/subtitles on recordings
The recordings page allows you to manage the settings for subtitles/transcripts for your recordings
- The download icon allows you to save the transcript of the selected video as a .vtt file
- The plus icon allows you to replace the subtitles for the selected video
- The trash/delete icon allows you to delete the subtitles/transcripts for the selected video
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