This article will cover the various sub-tabs found under an individual classroom's "Analytics" tab. This tab can be accessed via "Admin Portal" > "Classes" > select your class from either the "Active Classes" or "Archived Classes" sections > "Analytics". We've provided a screenshot below of an example classroom's "Analytics" tab with the "Raise Hand" sub-tab being viewed.
The "Analytics" tab provides data about classroom activity. For example, if you wanted to see how many users participated in each poll during a recent class session, you would find that here.
Click any of the below links to get more information about each of the sub-tabs for the "Analytics" page.
- Raise Hand
- Chat
- Poll
- Speaking Time
- Attendance
- Grades - This tab will likely be retired in the future. Please contact Support if you have any questions.
- Reviews - This tab will likely be retired in the future. Please contact Support if you have any questions.
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