As Engageli continues to enhance platform features, it also aims to support a wide range of customer system environments, from lower-performance PCs to high-end machines. To balance these needs, Engageli offers unique bandwidth modes. In response to feedback about low bandwidth mode in previous versions, several improvements have been made in the latest release, 3.1.51-0927c.
Improvement 1: Reduced CPU and memory usage for better performance.
Improvement 2: Learner video remains on even in low bandwidth mode.
Improvement 3: Auto-switching to low bandwidth mode can be enabled or disabled for all sessions via class or site-wide settings. Users can manually select low bandwidth mode from the More Actions (three dots) menu if needed.
Here is a table outlining the differences between Low Bandwidth, Medium Bandwidth, High Bandwidth, along with the corresponding user experience for instructors and learners for Engageli version 3.1.51-0927c.
Instructors' experience when their computer enters this mode | Learners' experience when the Instructor's computer enters this mode | Learners' experience when their computers enter this mode | Instructor's experience when learners’ computers enter this mode |
Low Bandwidth This mode is optimized for users with limited internet connectivity or lower CPU performance PCs. |
- Video remains on (with or without background) |
- Instructor’s video quality is reduced, less sharp | - Video remains on (with or without background) - Users see a merged gallery view - Videos on the podium are shown (instructors and users with raised hands) - Tablemates gallery videos turned are off - Side gallery is disabled |
- The video quality for the learner in low bandwidth mode is reduced, and less sharp in the Class and Tablemates Galleries |
Medium Bandwidth (Default mode) Medium bandwidth mode balances performance and content quality. This is the default mode. |
- All users’ videos display with or without a virtual background, on the podium, tablemates gallery, class gallery, and side gallery - Smooth video and audio streaming |
- Good-quality instructor video | - All users’ videos display with or without a virtual background, on the podium, tablemates gallery, class gallery, and side gallery - Smooth video and audio streaming |
- Good-quality learner video in the Class and Tablemates Galleries |
High Bandwidth This mode is designed for users with fast, stable internet connections with higher CPU PCs. Note: This mode is the same as the default mode unless both the learner and instructor enable High Bandwidth Mode. |
- Improves the quality of videos, including shared screens and the side gallery switches to a maximum of 16 videos | - On the Instructor video Tab, the instructor is shown in full HD resolution | - Improves the quality of videos, including shared screens and the side gallery switches to a maximum of 16 videos | - High-quality learner video in the Class and Tablemates Galleries |
Note: When users' computers have low processing power (e.g., 2 CPU cores), the main Class Gallery tab shows a maximum of 8 videos per page, and the Side Gallery is disabled for both instructors and learners.
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