These notes provide information about the release of Engageli 3.1.51-0102 focused on making your experience smoother and more reliable.
Improvements and Resolved Issues
Audio and Video
- Resolved various issues with captions (latency, missed segments, freezing during recording, etc.).
- Connecting or disconnecting a USB microphone no longer causes it to unmute automatically.
- Learners with blocked microphones are now completely muted and not heard by anyone, even if they attempt to unmute via console commands.
- Turning off microphones no longer automatically disables cameras.
- Teaching assistants (TAs) can now unblock learner microphones. (Previously, they could only block learner microphones.)
- In Table Mode, instructors can see red circles in the gallery view to identify active learner microphones.
- Fixed an issue where switching to low bandwidth mode repeatedly attempted to republish the user's video.
- Fixed an issue where removing the virtual background from a user's video disrupted the camera state.
Live Classroom, Chat, and Polls
- Fixed an issue preventing replies to chat messages from users who joined after the chat window was opened.
- Resolved an error where learners saw a "Failed to load quick poll" message after waiting more than 15 minutes to respond.
- Fixed a problem where instructors saw the "Answered" count stuck at 0 for inactive polls, affecting only the label.
- Corrected text poll misalignment in the Playback room.
- Removed redundant "switching to TA" message.
Class Recordings
- YouTube videos muted during live classes will remain muted in the recording.
- Addressed a bug where the recorder stopped too early, truncating the last five minutes of some recordings.
- Updated the "Edit Recording" feature to ensure VTT files are no longer stored in the root folder.
Session Management
- Joining from a different browser properly disconnects and logs the user out of the original session.
- A quick browser refresh allows learners to enter the waiting room without briefly rejoining and being kicked out.
- Resolved an issue where a duplicate Co-instructor video appeared if the Co-instructor rejoined the session as a Co-instructor from a different browser.
- Fixed an issue causing an infinite spinner while waiting for the "role selection" dialog box when joining a classroom as a second instructor.
- Resolved an issue where attendance/progress APIs returned an incorrect version when a time range was specified.
- Updated the Get Classes API to efficiently handle a high volume of classes.
- Optimized the data-insight v1 API by eliminating duplicate calls, adding proxy support for GET requests, and enhancing query performance for large datasets.
Platform and System Stability
- Resolved an issue in the Admin Portal where schedules could not be deleted and an "Insufficient data" error message was displayed.
- Resolved the issue causing users to see a white screen after logging in on OIDC redirect flow.
- Resolved an issue that caused difficulty using the Support Link to join a class.
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