This article will cover the "General" tab of the "Class Details" page. The "General" tab will automatically load once you navigate to a classroom's "Class Details" tab--it's the default tab that will be shown. Below is a screenshot of an example classroom's "General" tab:
The below list will cover all the features you see on this page. Note that some features might not appear for you, due to your system role or your organization's settings.
- Open Classroom - This button will take you directly to lobby of your classroom via a new browser tab.
- Copy Link - This button will copy the classroom's authenticated link to your clipboard. An "authenticated link", as opposed to a "guest link", does not allow for anonymous classroom access: users will need to log into our system and also be on the roster.
Note: If your organization has an LMS integration, it's possible users are expected to access Engageli through your LMS platform and not via "authenticated links". Speak with your LMS admin if you have questions. - Reset Link - This button will regenerate the guest links associated with the classroom. That is, it will make the current guest links invalid and create new ones. This affects both the "Instructor Guest Link" and the "Learner Guest Link". This mechanism is useful in scenarios where a guest link was distributed to uninvited users. For security: guest links not used for 90 days will automatically reset.
- Instructor Guest Link - This button will copy the Instructor guest link to your clipboard. This link is intended to be given to visiting staff members, as no login process is required. Users using this link will initially join the class under a TA role, but can switch to Instructor role from the 3-dots menu once inside the classroom.
- Learner Guest Link - This button will copy the Learner guest link to your clipboard. This link is intended to be given to visiting learners, as no login process is required.
- Enable/Disable Dial-In - If your organization is utilizing classroom dial-in, this button will toggle the feature for the classroom. Once enabled, a phone number and code will be generated, which users can use to call into the classroom.
- Reset Phone Code - This button will make the current dial-in phone code invalid and create a new one.
- Archive Class - This button will flag the classroom as being Archived. Archiving classrooms that are no longer in use helps to reduce the number of classrooms that appear in the "Active Classes" search results. When a classroom is archived, its data will be preserved, but users will not be able to enter its Live Classroom or Playback Room. These classes can still be found by looking under the "Archived Classes" section.
- Restore Class - If the classroom is archived, this button will set it back to Active status.
- Delete Class - If the classroom is archived, this button can be clicked to delete the classroom.
- Unlock Class - Engageli is designed to only allow one user to modify a classroom's settings at a time. It is also designed to prevent users from modifying the classroom settings while another user is hosting a live session. Therefore, when a Live Classroom session is active or when a user is viewing the class settings from the Admin Portal, the classroom will become locked to other users. If you currently have a lock on the classroom, clicking this "Unlock Class" button will release your lock on the classroom and send you back to the Admin Portal's home page. Below are a few additional notes regarding the "lock" mechanism:
- If a user is viewing the classroom from the Admin Portal and an Instructor subsequently starts a Live Classroom session, the Instructor starting the class is automatically given the lock on the classroom. The user in the Admin Portal will subsequently see a message indicating the class is active and locked. The user in the Admin Portal can continue viewing details of the class, but some configuration changes will be restricted. The below list outlines a few changes that are restricted when you do not have the lock on the classroom:
- Delete or edit users from the roster. Adding users is allowed.
- Change table settings and presets.
- Add or edit materials.
- Enabling guest links.
- If a user in the Admin Portal has a lock on the class, Learners will not be able to join the Live Classroom without an Instructor already present. In this scenario, leaners will see a message of "Classroom is currently locked by instructor. Please refresh and try again later." This can often happen if a students arrive early and the Instructor is still making last-minute changes to the classroom in the Admin Portal.
- Locks are automatically released once the system detects the live class session has ended or the user viewing the classroom from the Admin Portal has navigated elsewhere.
- If a user is viewing the classroom from the Admin Portal and an Instructor subsequently starts a Live Classroom session, the Instructor starting the class is automatically given the lock on the classroom. The user in the Admin Portal will subsequently see a message indicating the class is active and locked. The user in the Admin Portal can continue viewing details of the class, but some configuration changes will be restricted. The below list outlines a few changes that are restricted when you do not have the lock on the classroom:
- End Class & Lock - If a live session is taking place, clicking this button will end the live session and give you the lock. Warning: Ending class will cause anybody currently in the Live Classroom to be sent to the lobby.
- Download all chat - Clicking this button will download a CSV file containing all chat messages that have been sent in the classroom. This will include private messages sent between users or within tables. This tool is only available to Super Admins.
- Time-bound Class - This section allows you flag the classroom as being time-bound. That is, schedule the class to be automatically archived after x number of days. Classrooms that are time-bound will display a "Revert" button in this same area, which can be clicked to remove the flag and scheduled action.
- Allow participant accounts in these domains - This section allows you to automate the roster for learners of the classroom. If you want to allow all users who log in with a specific email domain access to the classroom, you can add that domain to this area and our system will automatically add them to the roster when they join via an authenticated link. You can also allow all email domains by clicking the "Allow All" button. Leaving this area empty of email domains removes the automation and will require all students to be manually added to the roster before they can join.
- Copy Data - This button will trigger a pop-up window, where you are given the option to import various settings and content from another classroom. Below is a screenshot of this pop-up window: