This article will cover the "Roster" tab of "Class Details". This tab allows you to manage the class roster. Users listed in the class roster can be seen as those who are enrolled in the class. Guest links can be shared with users who need to join the classroom, but aren't on the roster (such as visitors), as these links do not require login. Below is a sample screenshot of the "Roster" tab.
Below, we'll provide information about each of the fields seen on this tab:
Filter by participant - This section allows you to filter the list of class participants by their enrollment type. We'll briefly cover each of the checkboxes that correspond to a specific enrollment type below:
- Registered Learners - These users are enrolled in this class as students.
- Registered Staff - These users are enrolled in this class as staff members. This includes Instructors and TA.
- Guest Learners - These users aren't technically enrolled in the class; they joined via the Learner Guest Link. When a user joins via a guest link, the system will automatically create an account for them. The email addresses associated with these accounts are auto-generated by our system--they aren't real email addresses. These accounts are automatically purged if not used for a period.
- Guest Staff - Similar to Guest Learners, but these users joined via the Instructor Guest Link. These accounts are automatically purged if not used for a period.
Filter by status - This section allows you to filter the list of class participants by their status. We'll cover the two checkboxes and their corresponding status below:
- Active - These users are allowed to join the class. This is going to be the status for most users on the roster.
- Inactive - These users will not be able to join the classroom. There are many reasons why a user might be set to inactive, such as dropping the course halfway through. The benefit to marking a user as inactive, as opposed to removing them from the roster, is that their analytics data is preserved. This can be useful if the user did attend a few sessions and you'd like that data included in the class analytics.
Add participants - This button can be clicked to manually add a user to the roster. When clicking this button, a small window appears, prompting you to key in the user's information. We'll cover the input fields for this window below:
- Email Address - Enter the email address of the user.
- Name - Enter the name of the user. You may notice that this field sometimes auto-populates after providing the user's email address. This will happen if an account with that email address is already present in the system.
- Role - Select the role this user will have as it relates to this classroom. The options are Instructor, TA, and Learner.
- Choose a table group - This field is optional. If you are utilizing table seating assignment, this allows you to choose the table at which the user will be seated when joining the classroom. Note: Users are generally free to move to other tables, unless table seating is locked.
- Update a selected user - This button can be clicked to edit the selected user. The window that appears will look similar to the one for adding new users, though with the addition of a "Status" dropdown, where you can toggle the user between Active and Inactive. You will also notice that there are no fields to edit the user's email address or name... this is because the classroom roster is strictly used to manage classroom participants. To edit user accounts, including email address and name, you'll need to go to the Admin Portal's "User Management" tab, where user accounts are managed.
- Send email with class URL - Clicking this button will instantly send an email containing the classroom's authenticated link to all selected users.
- Delete selected users - Clicking this button will remove the selected users from the class roster. Class analytics associated with these users will also be purged.
- Search - This is your standard text-based filter. If you need to filter the list by Email or Name, type the string into the box and the system will filter the results.
- Update class with a CSV - This will open a window, where you can bulk manage the class roster by uploading a CSV file. You can add new users or update details for existing users with this method. The window will also provide a link to a template you can download, so that your CSV is properly formatted.
- Download Roster as CSV - Clicking this button will download the class roster as a CSV file.