This article will cover the "Live Configuration" tab of "Class Details". This page allows users to control settings for the classroom. As the name of this tab implies, these settings tend to impact the live classroom experience. These options can be enabled or disabled by toggling their corresponding checkbox. Below is a screenshot of an example classroom's "Live Configuration" tab.
Any options that are greyed out are ones that have been locked by a Super Admin. To toggle the status on these, a Super Admin would need to be involved.
Once you are done making any changes, be sure to click the "Save Changes" button at the bottom of the page.
We'll now review each setting:
- Maximum number of seats per table - This slider allows you to set the maximum number of students who can be seated at a table.
Attendance Configuration - This section allows you to set values related to how attendance is calculated:
- Attendance ratio - Use this dropdown to select the percentage of a session the learner must have been present in order to be counted as having attended.
- Session ratio - Use this dropdown to select the percentage of a session an Instructor must have been present in order for the session to actually count. This threshold essentially tells the system to ignore any instances where a session was detected, but the Instructor was present for so little of it that it shouldn't count.
LMS Configuration - This section allows you to configure settings related to this classroom's integration with your LMS. Note: This section only appears if the classroom was created via LMS integration.
- Skip roster sync with LMS - When an Instructor accesses the classroom from their LMS, Engageli will automatically retrieve the list of all users enrolled in the course and populate that into the classroom roster. Enabling this setting will instruct our system to skip this mechanism.
- Upload class attendance to LMS - Enabling this setting will instruct our system to regularly calculate learner attendance and push the score into the LMS system.
- LMS attendance maximum score - This setting dictates the maximum score a learner can receive.
LMS attendance score policy - This setting determines how learners scores are calculated. We currently offer 2 methods:
- Pass/Fail - This method will instruct our system to either give the learner a Pass or a Fail for their score; partial credit would not be applicable. For a Pass, we'll send the maximum allowable score.
- Percentage - This method will instruct our system to give the learner a percentage-based score. Partial credit is applicable with this method.
LMS attendance no-show policy: This setting determines what to do if the learner receives a Fail for their score. We offer 2 options:
- Send score - If the learner receives a Fail for the assignment, we'll send a score of 0 to the LMS gradebook.
- Send nothing - If the learner receives a Fail for the assignment, we'll won't send anything to the LMS.
- Minimum polls participation for engage credit - This field allows you to set the number of polls a learner must answer during a session in order to receive credit for attending.
- Allow table sharing - Allows learners to share their their screen with their table. Unlike class screenshares, where Instructor approval is required before the learner can begin sharing their screen, table screenshares do not require Instructor approval.
- Allow hybrid groups (will block roster seating) - Control the ability to turn on allow hybrid groups.
- Enable waiting room - This will place all learners joining the classroom into a Waiting Room. Learners in the waiting room will see a message letting them know that will need to wait until they are admitted. Instructors and TA already in the classroom will see a menu that allows them to selectively admit learners. Click here to learn more about this feature.
- Record learners' videos - Enabling his option will result in the webcam video of any learners on the podium to be included in the class recording. With this option disabled, the class recording will instead only display the learner's name.
- Allow Class gallery recording - Enabling this option will result in the webcam video of all learners to be included in the class recording in instances where the class is being directed to the Class Gallery tab.
- Auto start recording - Recording of the class session will automatically start as soon as an Instructor has joined the classroom.
- Allow third-party content generation - This will enable an AI-generated class summary to be created for each recorded class session. Note: Enabling this option will trigger the generation of a caption VTT file for each recording.
- Allow peek into tables (Not applicable in Meeting Mode) - Enabling this option will allow Instructors to quietly "peek" into tables. "Peeking" allows the Instructor to observe activity at the table, as if they were seated there, but the Instructor will not be able to speak to the table's participants. When the Instructor is peeking at a table, learners will see a message indicating the Instructor is observing tables--the specific table being observed will not be mentioned.
- Activate Engageli tags automatically (PDF only) - Enabling this feature will cause Engageli to automatically activate any Action Tags that appear on the page or slide being shared. This feature is only applicable to the File Share feature, which is used to share PDF or PPTX files with the class. It does not apply to Action Tags visible in screenshares or elsewhere--those would need to be manually activated.
- Disable auto unmute for raised hands - Prevents users from automatically being unmuted when they raise their hand to speak from the podium.
- Auto approve screen shares - Allows learners to begin a classwide screenshare without requiring approval from the Instructor. When this is disabled, Instructors will see "Decline" and "Approve" buttons when a learner attempts to share their screen with the classroom.
- Start class in table mode - Change the default audio mode for the class to Table Mode instead of Room Mode.
- Enable meeting mode - This mode removes the podium in favor of a larger gallery and shared materials. This experience will be similar to that of most web-conferencing platforms.
- Caption detection language - Use this dropdown to select the language spoken by class participants, ensuring accurate transcription by captioning services.
- Captions during live sessions - This enables captioning services for live class sessions. When this is enabled, users who want captions to display during a live class can do so via their "Settings" area.
- Create caption vtt file when recording - Creates a VTT (video text track) file containing a transcription of the audio captured in the recording. These files will appear alongside their recordings in the classroom's "Recordings" tab. Caution: Deleting a recording's vtt file may impact services that rely on the file, such as closed-captioning when watching the recording from the Playback Room.
- Allow anonymous chat - Allows class participants the option to send messages anonymously.
- Learners can send, reply to, and edit chat messages only to staff members - This limits the class chat so that learners are only able to message staff members.
- Instructors receive all table chat messages - When this is enabled, chat messages sent from learners to their tables will also appear in the Instructor's chat panel. This allows Instructors to supervise messages learners send to their table. Messages sent directly between learners will still remain private, though can be downloaded for review via the Admin Portal's "Class Details" > "General" > "Download all chat button".
Start class in restricted to staff only mode - When enabled, class sessions will initially be restricted only to staff members. Learners attempting to join will see the following message: "Only staff members can join the class, waiting for opening". This restriction can be removed by any Instructor already inside the classroom via the "Allow learners" button that will appear at the top of their screen or by toggling the "Staff only mode" option from the 3-dots menu at the bottom left of the screen. Below is a screenshot referencing both options:
Help Center Link - By default, when users inside the classroom click the "Help center" button for assistance, they'll be taken to Engageli's Help Center website. If you wish for learners clicking this link to be taken to a different website, such as your own organization's help center, input that URL here. Below is a screenshot of the corresponding "Help center" button.