This article covers the "Playback Configuration" tab of "Class Details". This page allows users to control settings relating to the Playback Room. Below is a screenshot of an example classroom's "Playback Configuration" tab.
We'll now cover the handful of options that appear on this tab:
- Notify instructors by email for new questions in Q&A - Enabling this option trigger an email to all class Instructors when a new question is submitted to the Q&A area.
- Notify TA's by email for new questions in Q&A - Enabling this option trigger an email to all class TAs when a new question is submitted to the Q&A area..
- Notification frequency - This dropdown sets the frequency of the mentioned email notifications. There are 2 options:
- Send immediately - This will send an email as soon as there is an email notification to be sent.
- Send daily - This will aggregate all notifications generated throughout the day into a single email.