This article will go over the "Raise Hand" sub-tab of the class "Analytics" tab. This tab will display information relating to users raising their hands (i.e. getting up on the Podium) during live sessions.
The data can be viewed in either a Chart or a List format. By default, the page will load in Chart view. There is a button at the top-right of the page labeled either "Go to list view" or "Go to chart view", which can be used to toggle between the views. The button label will change based on the current view.
There are also a handful of other fields that offer added functionality:
- Start Date - Date filter for the raise-hand data. Set the Start Date for the range here.
- End Date - Date filter for the raise-hand data. Set the End Date for the range here.
- Filter by Participant - This section allows you to filter the data by participant types: Registered Learners, Registered Staff, Guest Learners, and Guest Staff.
- Export CSV - Click this button to download the currently-displayed data as a CSV file.
We'll now cover the details of both the Chart and List views.
Chart View
The Chart view will display raise-hand data by class sessions. Below is a sample screenshot of the the Chart view:
As you can see, the X-axis (Classes) contains one bar for each class session. The Y-axis (Raise Hand Count) measures the number of unique participants who raised their hand during that session.
Note: Class sessions are either auto-detected by our system or manually set via schedules in the classroom's "Schedule" tab. To read more about session schedules, visit the help center page for the "Schedule" tab.
You can also hover your mouse over each bar to see a count of how much time users spent on the Podium during the session. Specifically, you can see how much time users spent on the Podium during Table Mode, Discussion (Room) Mode, and in Total. Below is a screenshot of the the extra details seen during the mouseover:
Lastly, each bar can be clicked to view the data in more granular time increments for that session, as shown below:
List View
The List view will display raise-hand data by user. Below is a sample screenshot of the List view:
The values displayed here represent the cumulative total for each user within the selected date range.
We'll describe what each column of the table represents:
- Name - The full name of the user.
- Email - The email address of the user.
- Status - The user's roster status for this classroom. This value will either be "Active" or "Inactive".
- Raise Hand - The total number of times the user raised their hand.
- Podium Time - Table Mode - The total amount of time the user spent at the Podium while the class was in Table Mode.
- Podium Time - Discussion Mode - The total amount of time the user spent at the Podium while the class was in Discussion (Room) Mode
- Podium Time - Total - The total amount of time the user spent at the Podium, regardless of the room mode.
You will notice that Instructors also appear in the raise-hand data. It may seem strange, as Instructors do not need to click the "Raise Hand" button to get on the podium--they have their own, permanent podium position. This is true, but keep in mind: Instructors can leave the podium to visit a table or demote themselves to TA role. Therefore, raise-hand data is also applicable for class Instructors.