This article will go over the "Poll" sub-tab of the class "Analytics" tab. This tab will display analytics relating to class polls, specifically, poll participation rates. If you need to see the actual answers that participants submitted for polls, please visit the classroom's "Polls" tab.
The data on this page can be viewed in either a Chart or a List format. By default, the page will load in Chart view. There is a button at the top-right of the page labeled either "Go to list view" or "Go to chart view", which can be used to toggle between the views. The button label will change based on the current view.
There are also a handful of other fields that offer added functionality:
- Start Date - Date filter for the poll data. Set the Start Date for the range here.
- End Date - Date filter for the poll data. Set the End Date for the range here.
- Filter by Participant - This section allows you to filter the data by participant types: Registered Learners, Registered Staff, Guest Learners, and Guest Staff.
- Export CSV - Click this button to download the currently-displayed data as a CSV file.
We'll now cover the details of both the Chart and Live views.
Chart View
The Chart view will display poll participation data by each poll that was ran. Data for each poll is further grouped into the corresponding class session. Below is a sample screenshot of the Chart view:
As you can see, the X-axis contains bars, each one corresponding to a poll that was ran during a class session (i.e. Poll 1, Poll 2, Poll 3, etc). These bars are grouped by class sessions, making it easy to distinguish polls ran during one class session from another.
Note: Class sessions are either auto-detected by our system or manually set via schedules in the classroom's "Schedule" tab. To read more about session schedules, visit the help center page for the "Schedule" tab.
The Y-axis (Poll Answers Participation %) measures the participation rate of the poll. The poll participation rate is the percentage of users who answered the poll out of the number of users who viewed the poll.
There are some nuances to the data shown in the chart, which we'll cover below:
- Staff members are included in the calculation. Staff members will typically not participate in polls and for some poll types, staff members cannot participate. If you want to see strictly participation rates for learners, we recommend utilizing the participant filter to display data only for learners.
- You may notice that some polls are missing a bar. This means a poll was ran, but no answers were submitted (i.e. nobody participated). This scenario usually occurs when an Instructor runs a poll, realizes they are running the wrong poll, then quickly cancels it before anybody has a chance to submit an answer.
You can also hover your mouse over each bar to see additional details. Below is a screenshot of the the extra details seen during the mouseover:
Below, we'll cover the additional details shown during the mouseover:
- Learners Answered - This is the count of learners who submitted an answer for the poll.
- Staff Answered - This is the count of staff members who submitted an answer for the poll. Often, when an Instructor "answers" a poll, they are actually just indicating the correct answer. For analytics purposes, we consider this as them having answered the poll. Additionally, instructors are not able to respond to certain polls, such as text polls. In these cases, we mark them as having viewed the poll, but not as having answered it. Because of the nuances involved with Staff members and poll analytics, it's best to filter them from the data, unless you specifically need them included.
- Viewers - The count of participants who viewed the poll. This count will exclude participants who were not present in class when the poll was ran. It would also exclude participants viewing a recording of the session who skip over the portion where the poll was ran. In both of the mentioned scenarios, the users didn't technically view the poll, so they would not be counted.
List View
The List view will display poll analytics by user. Below is a sample screenshot of the List view:
The values displayed represent the user's participation rate for each class session, as well as an average, for the selected date range.
We'll describe what each column of the table represents:
- Name - The full name of the user.
- Email - The email address of the user.
- Status - The user's roster status for the class. This value will either be "Active" or "Inactive".
- Session Percentage - This isn't the actual label of the column: you will see potentially multiple columns, each with a label value of the date and time of when the session took place. The corresponding value in the table will be the user's poll participation rate during that session. For example, if the user viewed 5 polls, but answered 2 of them, their value would be "40%".
Note: In scenarios where the user was absent from the session and so they answered 0 polls out of 0 polls viewed, we'll display "0%". - Average - The user's average poll participation rate for the selected date range. This average is based on the total number of polls answered out of the total number of polls viewed. It is not an average of their per-session participation rate.