As an Instructor, you are able to share your screen with the classroom or just with the participants sitting at a table that you've joined. You're also able to annotate your screen share and allow others to annotate it, as well. This guide walks through enabling and managing screen sharing during a live session.
We'll go over these features in the proceeding sections.
Note: This article is specifically for Instructors. If you are a Learner, please review the article for Learners.
Sharing Your Screen
To share your screen, follow the below instructions:
- Click the "Present" button from the toolbar at the bottom of your screen. This will expand a menu.
- From the menu, you can select to either share your screen with the class or, if you are at a table, share your screen with just your tablemates. To share your screen with the class, select "Share Screen" from the "Classroom activities" section. To share your screen with the table, select "Table Screen Share" from the "Table activities" section. As mentioned, the "Table Screen Share" option will only appear if you are seated at a table; if you're still at the podium, you won't see this option. Below is a screenshot highlighting both options.
- Once you've made your selection, your browser will display a pop-up window, where you can select what you'd like to share from your computer (e.g. Tab, Window, Entire Screen). Make your selection, then click the "Share" button, as shown below.
- Once the screenshare is active, you'll notice a preview area at the bottom of your screen, where you can visually confirm what you are sharing. You can minimize this preview area by clicking the arrow at the top-right of it. Below is a reference image of this preview area:
There are a few important things to know about sharing your screen as an Instructor during class:
- Screensharing is not supported if you have joined the class from a mobile browser. This is a technical limitation of mobile browsers.
While sharing your screen, you'll notice a dropdown menu appears in the preview area, this dropdown allows you to change your screenshare quality mode to one of 3 options, which we'll describe below:
- Default mode: This mode balances quality and framerate.
- Video mode: This mode will prioritize a higher framerate over quality. It is ideal for sharing animations or videos, where a high framerate will ensure smooth movement.
- Text mode: This mode prioritizes quality over framerate. This is ideal for sharing items that are static, such as a text document. The higher quality ensures text appears clear.
- Each user is limited to just one active screenshare. For instance, if you wanted to share the contents of one monitor with the entire class and another monitor with just your tablemates, this would not be possible.
Annotating Your Screenshare
When you have a screenshare active, you have the option to annotate your screenshare. This allows you and others to draw on a picture of what the screenshare was showing. When a screenshare is active, you can click the "Annotate screen" button to begin the annotation. This button will appear in 2 places, as shown below:
Once annotation begins, you will see a left-hand toolbar, where you can select between various drawing objects. We've provided an example below of how things look when annotation is active:
To stop the annotation and go back to the screenshare, click the "Close" button that appears at the top of the page.
Note: Annotation is only possible with classwide screenshares. If you are sharing your screen with just your table, you will not have the option to annotate.
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