To share your screen while teaching on Engageli via Chrome, Edge, or Brave, follow these steps:
1. Make sure the window you want to share is open and not minimized.
2. Click the Present button in the middle of your instructor controls at the bottom of the screen.
3. Under Classroom activities, click Screen Share.
4. You have three options to maximize your screen share:
- Default mode: This mode is the optimal setting for most content types.
- Video mode: This mode will improve the quality of the video and smoother streaming. Best for video-based presentations and screen sharing a window or tab with an embedded video.
- Text mode: This mode ensures that text is sharp and clear. Best for text-based presentations, documents, and spreadsheets.
5. Choose either Browser Tab, Window, or Entire Screen.
5. Click Share.
6. Your view will switch to what you are sharing.
7. In Engageli, your view will default to the Class Gallery. You can see your screen share in the green Screen Sharing with Class window, which you can collapse.
8. If you want to annotate the screen share, click the Annotate Screen button in the Screen Sharing with Class window, or select the Class Share tab at the top and click Annotate Screen.
9. To stop sharing, choose one of 3 options:
- Click the Stop sharing button at the top of the screen if you're sharing a browser tab.
- Click the Stop Class Share button in the middle of the My Screen Preview window.
- Click the Present button, and then STOP.
Click to learn how to annotate a screen share.
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