Instructors and co-instructors can play videos for the class using YouTube links or uploaded videos.
Quick Overview
The below video provides an overview of sharing video clips during class:
To begin sharing a video during class, click the "Present" button at the bottom of the screen, and then select "Video Clips".
In the pop-up window, either paste in a link to a YouTube video or select from the list of videos already present in the classroom's Content Manager library.
- When you share the video, you have access to certain controls, such as starting, stopping, and jumping to specific points in the video. Learners will not have access to these controls from their end, helping to ensure they stay focused. You can also speak over the video sound if you want to point something out to your class. Below is a an example screenshot of a YouTube video being shared during a live classroom:Please Note: While any video is playing, the audio for all class participants will be muted.
- To exit the video player, click the Present button again, and then click STOP.
To learn how to add YouTube links or upload videos to your classroom's Content Manager library, so that they are available during class, click here.
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