Why Upload Roster? Learners entering an Engageli classroom through your institution’s Learning Management System do not need to be pre-added to the Engageli roster for classroom access. However, if we are not integrated with your institution’s LMS or you want to use specific seating assignments during class, you will need to have a list of learners in the system.
Setting Up Class Roster
1. Navigate to the Engageli portal and find your classroom.
2. Under Details > Roster, upload a list of all learners, TAs, and instructors (including you!) in your class. You can add users individually (plus sign) or through bulk upload (paper with the plus sign - See more detailed instructions below).
3. If you are planning to pre-assign seating, you can also include the table number/name you want each student to sit at. See more detailed instructions below.
Adding Class Participants in Bulk
1. Bulk add using the .csv template.
2. Click ‘Samples and templates here’, which will open the template as a Google Document.
3. Choose File > Make a copy. You can name this copy whatever you like.
4. Fill out the CSV file with a list of learners, instructors, and TAs who should be allowed to join this classroom.
5. When finished, go to File > Download > Comma-separated values (.csv, current sheet) to save to your computer.
6. Upload this roster from your computer into the Roster tab of the Portal.
Assigning Seats
Open seating is the default, but sometimes it can be helpful to assign seats for certain times during the session. You can save multiple presets to use during different points in the class (e.g. start of class, activity time, quiz time). This allows you to easily ‘move’ learners into different pre-assigned groups, without having to use time during class creating them. You can assign learners to randomly-combined groups of select sizes (1-10 learners) at any time (see detailed instructions here).
1. Under Tables & Presets > Tables, start by customizing the names for each table (e.g., for project groups) if desired.
2. Under Tables & Presets > Presets, Click ‘Samples and templates here’, which will open the template as a Google Document.
3. Choose File > Make a copy. You can name this copy whatever you like.
4. Add each learner’s email and the table you want them added to upon joining.
In this example, we have placed three students in each project group. Upon login, they will automatically be placed at Project Group 1 Table and Project Group 2 Table. Please note: The tables in your .csv file must match the names of tables you created in step two. If you did not rename tables, use “Table 1”, “Table 2”, as in the default labels.
5. When finished, go to File > Download > Comma-separated values (.csv, current sheet) to save to your computer.
6. Click ‘Upload Preset’
7. Name the preset and add a description if helpful (ex: Group Activity - Use this preset when you start group activity).
8. Upload the preset by clicking Files.
9. Once presets have been uploaded, you will see a learner’s assigned location for each preset saved next to their name in the roster tab.
Using Presets in the Classroom
1. Once in your Classroom, at the relevant time, go to Tables > Seating Arrangement > Apply Preset to apply the desired preset.
2. Throughout the class, you can choose different presets and Engageli will move learners automatically. You can learn more about table settings in class here and here.
Click to learn how to add a tag to your presentation to easily activate a table preset or put learners into a random table arrangement.
Related article:
How to Download Your Class Roster
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