If you are teaching on Engageli using an older computer or if you have low internet bandwidth or a slow network connection, you can adjust your settings to optimize your teaching experience.
1. Check your internet connection
Other computers/devices using the same network can cause the network to slow down, which can result in audio and video issues.
2. Switch to low bandwidth mode
Click the three dots menu at the bottom of your screen, and then click Low bandwidth mode. This mode will save bandwidth by automatically merging the gallery view into one video feed and turning off learner video feeds when they are on the podium and in the table mates gallery when you visit individual tables. You will still hear each learner’s audio.
3. Mute your audio
Your audio doesn’t use as much bandwidth as your video, but you can reduce your bandwidth by muting your audio when you’re not speaking, there’s a panel discussion, or when learners doing group activities.
4. Turn off your video
When showing video clips or when learners are engaged in peer-to-peer and group activities, turn off your video feed to lower your computer’s CPU usage and improve network traffic.
5. Screen share only when necessary
Make sure to stop sharing when you no longer need to show a tab, window, or your screen. You can upload slides or a presentation to the chat for learners to view on their own devices.
6. Close other applications
To free up more network resources, close other applications and programs you do not need during your Engageli session.
For optimal performance with Engageli, we recommend keeping your operating system and browsers up to date. You may have trouble using certain features on Engageli if you are joining your virtual classroom in parallel with CPU-intensive applications such as cloud computing and streaming services.
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