Random table assignments can help encourage dynamic group interactions. Learn how to automatically assign learners to tables using Engageli’s random grouping feature.
To randomly arrange table seating, follow the below steps:
- Click the "Tables" tab.
- Click the "Seating arrangement" drop-down menu.
- Select "Create Random Seating Arrangement". This will open a window with various options, as shown below.
- Use the "Learners per table" slider to choose the number of learners per table. (TAs won’t be moved to a different table.)
- If you want to reserve or set aside certain tables, use the "Reserved tables" slider to select the tables.
- Click Save.
Note: If learners have a reservation, then they will be treated as a learner present in the classroom even if they are not there. Make sure to remove any reservations before you do this! (See instructions on reservations here). Click here to learn more about reserving (skipping) tables during random arrangements.
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