Engageli allows instructors to switch between the instructor and TA roles to provide more flexibility in the classroom.
Anyone listed on the roster in the portal as an instructor can:
- Change their role within the classroom between instructor and TA.
- Temporarily elevate any learner to the TA or instructor role during a live session.
To change your role:
1. Click the More Actions (three dots) menu at the bottom of your screen.
2. Select TA Role.
3. After a few seconds, you will leave the podium and join the other learners and TAs in the Class Gallery.
Note: If you change your role to TA while the classroom is in Table Mode, you will have to raise your hand and go to the podium to address the entire class. To change your role back to the instructor, go back to the More Actions menu and select Instructor Role.
If you are teaching using Google Chrome or Edge and another instructor joins your classroom as a TA and then elevates themselves to the instructor, you will then become a TA.
Team Teaching
Multiple instructors can easily switch between the TA and instructor roles during a session. To make a TA (rostered as an instructor) an instructor during the session.
1. Click the Actions (three dots) menu in the TA's video feed in the Class Gallery.
2. Select Temporarily change to instructor.
3. After a few seconds, the TA will be elevated to instructor.
Note: The maximum number of instructors is 2. If you elevate a 2nd participant to the instructor role, you will move into the TA role.
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