The first time Roster Seating is used in a classroom, learners are assigned to the table groups initially set up on the class roster in the Admin Portal. These serve as default table assignments.
When activated, other learners or TAs without assigned seats are then asked to pick a table.
Once everyone is seated at a table, this arrangement is locked in as the “Roster Seating” for that particular class once the session is concluded. The last position all learners and TAs occupy will be saved and can be reused any time when you select Roster Seating from the Seating arrangement drop-down menu.
When Roster Seating is enabled, placeholders or reservations are created for learners who are NOT in the class but are listed on the class roster. You will see them sitting at tables with a dotted line around their initialed icons.
To clear Roster Seating placeholders or reservations:
1. Go to the Tables tab.
2. In the Seating arrangement drop-down menu, click Remove All Reservations.
Note: If you randomly arrange the class based on table size while Roster Seating is activated, it will also create table reservations for absent learners in the random arrangement. If there are not enough tables to accommodate the random arrangement, more will be added in batches of 5 tables.
When to use:
Roster Seating is recommended for instructors who want an assigned seating arrangement. If you activate Roster Seating and move learners to their ‘assigned’ seats at specific tables, you can re-use the same arrangement for future classes.
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