This article will cover the various configuration values partners will need to key into their LMS in order to add Engageli as a tool. This article is to be used as a reference document; if you are looking to set up Engageli as a tool to your LMS platform for the first time, please reach out to Support.
Target Link URI
Also referred to as the "tool link", this is the endpoint the LMS platform sends users in order to use the tool. Engageli offers options for both "Resource Link Request" and "Deep Link Request" message types.
Resource Link Request
For your basic Resource Link Request messages, Engageli offers the below options:
- - This is the most commonly-used endpoint; if you aren't sure what to use, use this one. This endpoint will take the user to the Live Classroom lobby of the Engageli classroom associated with the course. If there is no classroom associated with the course, Engageli will automatically create one.
- - This endpoint will take the user to their organization’s Admin Portal. When creating this resource in the LMS, admins will want to make sure it only appears for users who can access the Admin Portal. Unauthorized users, such as learners, will simply be presented with an error message when attempting to access the Admin Portal.
- - Similar to the commonly-used class login endpoint, but this will take the user to the Playback Room lobby of the classroom associated with the course. This will function as expected even if the classroom has interaction controls enabled.
Deep Link Request
For Deep Link Request messages, Engageli supports the following options:
- - This endpoint will load our selector page, where the admin adding the resource is presented with several options. The option the admin selects will determine the final value of the target link associated with the resource. Below is a sample screenshot of the selector page:
As you can see, the selector page includes options from our Resource Link Request message type and more. - - This endpoint will load a page where a link to a specific class recording can be created, as shown below:
When users click the link, they'll be taken to the Playback Room lobby. Once they join the Playback Room, the corresponding class recording will automatically load into the video player. This will function as expected even if interaction controls for the classroom is enabled.
JSON Web Key (JWK) Set URL
Regarding passing of public keys for the OpenID Connect workflow, Engageli utilizes a JWK set, hosted on a publicly available page. The URL of the page is formatted as follows:
OpenID Connect Initiation URL
The OpenID Connect endpoint that initiates the authenticated workflow into Engageli is formatted as follows:
Redirect URIs
The Engageli-related redirect URIs to add to the LMS platform will vary, depending on which links the partner plans to utilize. We recommend simply adding all links that could potentially be used, so that you do not need to revisit this setting if you decide to use other endpoints. The comprehensive list is below: